Religion In religion the students study the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, Saints of the Church, and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Personal faith filled growth is fostered by writing prayers and participating in liturgies and class prayer services.
Mathematics The mathematics program continues to follow the guidelines of the Diocese of Trenton and the Core Curriculum Standards. The program concentrates on problem solving skills, estimation, geometry, and the application of mathematics in real life situations. Multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers, long division, fraction concepts, and order of operations are taught. Manipulatives, math vocabulary cards, and calculators are part of the program.
English Language Arts (ELA) Our program is comprehensive and includes differentiated instruction. The reading program is literature-based and develops critical thinking skills. Reading comprehension is taught using researched based standards incorporating vocabulary, fluency, listening, and speaking. Writing skills are reinforced through a comprehensive writing program while nurturing creativity through stories, essays, and poetry. Writing skills are also reinforced across the curriculum through written and oral projects. The basic elements of grammar, punctuation, and conventions are reinforced in a variety of activities. Spelling is taught through phonemic awareness. Word processing and keyboarding skills are also included. Students also use electronic media to research studied topics.
Social Studies The social studies program offers a comprehensive and concentrated study of our state of New Jersey. Native American culture and contributions are presented in the classroom. Geography skills, historical events, and forms of government are incorporated in the curriculum, as well as New Jersey's part in the Revolutionary War. Project-based learning is an essential part of our social studies program.
Science The major areas of concentration in the science program are the Earth, its layers and landforms, leading into soil and rock formation. How weathering and erosion can shape the land. Learning how fossils can tell us stories of how the Earth was long ago. The classification of animals is also studied. Many hands on research activities are used.